After completing my first year in the KCAI Animation department with all my extremely talented, creative classmates and professors I thought to myself, it would be awesome if I somehow could have a book full of everyones awesome art.
I guess I was not the only one to think that because only a year later my friend
Evan Tedlock spear headed an operation to make it happen. He worked with our Department head Doug Hudson and fellow design classmate
Cassie King to created the first Frame by Frame book. They ended up using a design I created previously for the front and inside cover and everyone had three to five pages to showcase their art and a small bio.
Cassie King did the overall design and layout and Doug wrote a lovely forward for us, part of it is below.
This group of seniors is the strongest in spirit to date. Their quality of work, level of ambition, infectious drive and overwhelming sense of togetherness and willingness to help each other has shaped the sixth year of the department’s evolution into its most positive yet.
I love them all, I will miss each of them VERY much and I look forward to relishing in every last bit of their inevitable successes. I hope the world is ready for this bunch, they’re going to leave a huge impression!
“Attention all passengers, next stop is Your Future.”
There’s unusually sunny weather up ahead, so you better wear your shades!”
Douglas Hudson
Animation Chair
Kansas City Art Institute
The book includes work from
Andy Alberto, Laura Ambrosiano, Richard Bardle, Stuart Bury, Jill Daily, Joshua Herron, Lance Heybrock, Liz Long, Martin Lopez, Alex Luko, Anthony Madonna, Shannon Malewski, Melissa Morris, Casey Parkhurst, Alexander Porter, Dave Presley, Alan Shelton, Sakari Singh, Evan Tedlock, Ryan Tonner, Brandon Waltman.